Fred Cray

Fred Cray’s work has been based primarily in photography since the 1980s and reflects his education in painting and literature. He has studied at Middlebury College, Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Yale Summer School of Music and Art, and Yale Graduate School of Painting. Cray has traveled extensively for his work, often spending summers in other countries, and those photographs have been exhibited and published as Travel Diaries and Unique Photographs. The Unique Photographs series has 29,000 one-off photographs being placed around the world for people to find—usually hidden but sometimes in the open. He also has an ongoing 35-year self-portrait project which interweaves many of his time-lapse and multiple exposure series.

Fred Cray has published numerous books in the past few years related to his unique photography projects. He has received a Guggenheim Fellowship, a Pollock-Krasner Grant, and a Peter S Reed Foundation Award. His works are in the collections of The Brooklyn Museum of Art, George Eastman Museum, the New York Public Library, and numerous corporate and private collections. 

Courtesy of the Artist