Anderson Ranch Arts Center
Snowmass Village, COAnderson Ranch Arts Center is a learning community dedicated to creativity and growth through the making and understanding of the visual arts. Anderson Ranch recognizes human beings' lifelong need to develop personal creativity and to discover, learn, and grow. It nurtures and inspires imaginations of all ages, encouraging experimentation, intensive inquiry, and creative production. The Ranch is an international center for the creation of new work and untried art forms for leading artists of our time.
Located in the inspirational setting of the Rocky Mountains, Anderson Ranch provides time and space to artists from beginners to experienced practitioners—to create, discuss, and discover. Its programs are executed with warmth, humor, and a spirit of camaraderie unique to the Ranch.
Through its programs, Anderson Ranch successfully implements a deeply held belief that for artists to explore their potential, fully equipped facilities, skilled, helpful, and exemplary artistic staff and cutting-edge technology must be available.
Through its year-round Workshop Programs, academic excellence in the visual arts is offered to participants at all levels. In addition, the Ranch offers opportunities for those pursuing the critical study of visual arts. The Workshops employ an accomplished and diverse faculty, expansive programmatic depth, and rigorous yet engaging dialogue. There are low student-faculty-staff ratios. Within its ability to do so, the Ranch is dedicated to allowing everyone's artistic dreams to flourish, regardless of financial means.
The Anderson Ranch Residency Program fosters creative, intellectual, and personal growth for emerging and established artists. Residents at the Ranch make significant contributions to the creation and exhibition of visual arts throughout the United States and beyond.