Sol Bailey Barker

Sol Bailey Barker MRBS is a British artist whose multimedia work ties together historical and sociological research with an inquiry into the power and symbolism of materials. Bailey Barker has spent the past two years working with Gabriella Sonabend on From Myth To Earth researching Colombian history, landscapes and folklore, working with Latino communities in London. His work has a strong social emphasis and often involves leading workshops and discussions.

His work has been exhibited internationally and his monumental sculptures are situated in both private and public collections including Riverhill Himalayan Gardens in Kent. Recently Bailey Barker was artist in residence at Lugar a Dudas in Cali, Colombia and Portico Di Romagna in Italy. Bailey Barker’s work has been featured in FAD Magazine, Avenir Magazine, Nomadic Press and PANTA. He has given talks at Riverhill Himalayan Gardens, The Royal Society of Sculptors and The Koppel Project. 

Courtesy of Sol Bailey Barker