Matias Armendaris

Matias Armendaris’ practice focuses on exploring the formal structures of language and the metaphor of translation as a method of representation. Through the use of drawing, printmaking, sculpture and installation, he seeks to refigure the power dynamics, binary and structures resulting from neoliberal global and contemporary culture. In the same way magical realism in Latin American literature serves as a marker of identity and voice, weaving a political and poetic position, Armendaris uses this strategy, in graphic and sculptural form, to create an environment where the viewer is integrated within a fiction-reality.

Armendaris’ solo shows include SKETCH, Bogotá, Colombia, Galería-Museo de Lendava, Eslovenia, The Gam Galería, Vancouver, Canada, No Lugar, Quito, Ecuador. Group exhibitions include Project Space, Vancouver, Canada, Galería-Museo de Lendava, Eslovenia, and Galería Satélite, Vancouver, Canadá. He was awarded Feature Artist of the Year, 40th Annual Art Fair, the American School Foundation, Mexico City, in 2009.

Courtesy of SKETCH Gallery