Huger Foote

The combination of vibrant color, tight composition, and intense light and shadow transform mundane objects into large-scale observations in Huger Foote’s photographs. Foote is a notorious wanderer of back alleys, deserted roadways, abandoned lots, and desolate commercial plots. He is a keen observer of the commonplace and captures overlooked beauty with his lens. Whether the focus is on chicken wire entwined with an overgrowth of bright yellow wildflowers or the shape and texture of cherry red cushions, he demonstrates the value of giving everyday objects a second look.

Foote has apprenticed with the esteemed photographer Annie Leibovitz, established a commercial photography career, and developed an extensive group of collectors, both public and private, around the world. Foote’s work has been exhibited in group and solo shows internationally, including National Museum of Photography and Film, Bradford, UK, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, Ogden Museum of Southern Art, New Orleans, and Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art.

Courtesy of David Lusk Gallery