Anders Oinonen

Anders Oinonen's unique images blur the line between abstract expressionism and representational painting. Confident brushstrokes are layered to create anthropomorphic landscapes. Color is used to generate space and gradations create a horizon which subtly reveal recognizable facial features. These facial constructions act as a vehicle for abstraction yet are simultaneously a familiar symbol of communication. Oinonen's work is both precisely crafted and mysterious. The ambiguity of the subject matter invites the viewer to questions the artists motives as well as their own personal perspective.

Oinonen has exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, Toronto, Canada, Portugal Arte 2010, The Hole, New York, Cooper Cole, Toronto, Lisbon, Portugal, Musée d’art contemporarain de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, Max Wigram Gallery, London, UK and at Nuit Blanche, Toronto, Canada. The artist would like to acknowledge funding support from the Ontario Arts Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario. 

Courtesy of COOPER COLE