Alina Tenser

Ukrainian artist Alina Tenser utilizes sculpture and video in her navigation of issues such as autonomy, dependence, and sovereignty. Addressing the narratives of motherhood, body, and transformation, Tenser creates highly personal interactions between herself and the objects around her. Says the artist of her process, “my body, in its absence and presence, is the catalyst and structure in my videos. I use green screen techniques to isolate and reveal the body in fragmented “cutouts”. I also incorporate fragments of objects, made and found, and choreograph myself with them.”

Tenser has held solo exhibitions at Essex Flowers, New York, NY, Nurture Art, Brooklyn, NY, and Pioneer Works, Brooklyn, NY. Her work has been exhibited at venues including The Kitchen, New York, NY, The Suburban, Chicago, IL, Jancar Jones, Los Angeles, CA, and Laurel Gitlen Gallery, New York, NY. Most recently Tenser's work was shown at Kate Werble Gallery and Soloway Gallery in New York. Tenser received the Dedalus Foundation MFA Fellowship and was a resident of Recess Sessions in 2012.