Six reasons to collect Sascha Braunig :
1. Sascha Braunig’s surrealist scenes collapse figure and background in shallow space, as stripes, patterns, and trompe l'oeil effects coat figures like CGI skins in a computer stimulation. But digital, they are not—instead, they’re based on 3D models the artist makes from clay.
2. Braunig garnered quite a bit of press and acclaim for her work in the New Museum Triennial of 2015, where she exhibited a number of paintings. “Sascha Braunig, an inspired reanimation of Surrealism, stands out in the New Museum’s Triennial partly because she persists in making small portable paintings but mainly because she does so in concentrated, hallucinatory celebrations of light, color and space,” writes Roberta Smith for the New York Times .
3. Sascha Bräunig was included in Phaidon ’s Vitamin P3: New Perspectives In Painting , the third in an ongoing series of influential books wherein distinguished critics, curators, museum directors and other contemporary art experts are invited to nominate artists who have made significant and innovative contributions to painting. We interviewed Bräunig on the occasion of the book's release; read that here .
4. Braunig was also included in the 2014 Thames and Hudson book 100 Painters of Tomorrow. In addition to participating in the aforementioned New Museum triennial Surround Audience, she’s also had a solo exhibition at MoMA PS1 in New York, and a solo show at Kunsthall Stavanger in Norway.
5. Braunig is represented by Foxy Productions in New York, which hosted an exhibition in December 2018 of artist prints produced over the last ten years by master printers Marginal Editions—including this print, Witch Hunt (2018).
6. The signed, dated, and numbered silkscreen comes in a small edition of 40. For $2,000, it's a steal.
"I'm... Like Peanut Butter": Sascha Braunig on Her Trompe L'oeil Painting Process
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