In Their Words

"I Have The Taste of Almonds From Your Lips In My Mouth," and Other Steamy Quotes on Love and Passion by Your Favorite Artists

"I Have The Taste of Almonds From Your Lips In My Mouth," and Other Steamy Quotes on Love and Passion by Your Favorite Artists
Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. Image courtesy of Flora Be Art.

This year, cupid's arrow is shooting straight out of Phaidon's book Art is the Highest Form of Hope , a collection of quotes by some of the greatest artists through time, organized into very helpful reference sections like, "Inspiration," "Routine," and "Sex." Valentine's Day is nigh, and if there's a special, artistically inclined someone out there you accidentally forgot to get a gift for, just let the book do the talking (pro-romance tip, try taking turns reading these quotes to each other while collaborating on a new mixed-media collage piece). Whether you're spending the holiday of love with the Frida to your Diego, your cat, the color red, or uhm... tires, may your passion burn. And if you haven't found that lucky valentine just yet, a few of these might make some choice (or at least memorable) pickup lines.

Image as link number 1 Phaidon's Art Is the Highest Form of Hope is available on Artspace for $24

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"I have the taste of almonds from your lips in my mouth."
Frida Kahlo

"I didn’t start taking pictures until I was in college. I had a crush on a girl who was a photo major, and followed her into a photography class. My Photo 1 teacher was Laurie Simmons , and my crush went from the girl to my teacher. As soon as I took my first pictures, my crush shifted from the teacher to photography."
Gregory Crewdson

"The most exciting thing is not-doing-it. If you fall in love with someone and never do it, it's much more exciting."
Andy Warhol

warhol Andy Warhol, Sunset (Unique) (Pink/Yellow) (1972). Work available starting at $75,000 on Artspace.

"To me the most beautiful thing is vulnerability."
Alec Soth

"The drawings are the scheme for the project. After that, we do everything together: Choose the rope, the fabric, the thickness of the fabric, the amount of fabric, the color; we argue, and we think about it."

"I don't draw, and he [Christo] doesn't do the taxes."

"I draw flowers every day on my iPhone and send them to my friends, so they get fresh flowers every morning."
David Hockney

hockney David Hockney, The Marriage in Hawaii of David and Ann (1984). Work available on Artspace for $3,500, or as low as $308/mo.

"I love red so much that I almost want to paint everything red."
Alexander Calder

"In a burning building, I would save a cat before a Rembrandt."
Alberto Giacometti

carol rama Carol Rama, Appassionata (1940). Image courtesy of Je de Paume / le magazine.

"Tires have given me much joy."
Carol Rama


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